A couple eating at a standing table in front of a mobile canteen, Bremen.
City Life,  Life,  Photography

The Finer Things In Life

The best of the summer sun, although we have had a few deluges of rain in the last week or two, and people are out about the town, enjoying their midday break with a sandwich, a coffee, or a full meal.

A woman seated at a table outside a street café, eating in Hannover.

I was surprised, on my travels, to see so many people eating alone, and I am sure there are many stories behind each person’s reasons, or circumstances. It might be someone glad to be away from the hectic of the office, or home, taking a moment to relax. Perhaps someone who has enjoyed their working life, and now merely wishes to sit and watch the world go by.

A man sitting alone drinking coffee in Hannover.

Or someone who appreciates the simple things in life: a late breakfast; a cup coffee, or a glass of tea; some music and a touch of well-earned solitude.

A woman wearing headphones, eating at a roadside table in front of a restaurant in Hamburg.

Everyone with their own story, motivations, environment. Humanity is fascinating.

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