Travelling: Tickets I Have Known.
I have been a traveller since the early Seventies, beginning in England, travelling and working in Wales and Scotland, exploring Northern Ireland and, later, Ireland. At a young age I made my first trip overseas to France where, mouth open in amazement, I discovered that the French, and other European foreigners, looked and acted much the same as we did on our small island. My first trust issues, especially of a specific teacher in my North Yorkshire school, began to surface.
Schwerin: The Parade.
Christopher Street Day, celebrated across Germany as in many other countries, and a time when countless people of all persuasions come together to show their colours, to celebrate, to campaign for improvement, to be seen and to be counted.
Looking For a Hero
It is going to take a long time for constitutional lawyers to work through the 6-3 Supreme Court judgement handed down yesterday, but one thing is sure: the decision of the six judges giving the President of the United States, regardless of who it may be, immunity from many actions otherwise illegal, will have far-reaching consequences. Those consequences do not remain within the borders of the United States, but have far wider implications: if the President cannot be prosecute for actions taken which might be loosely termed as National Security, the ramifications for other high officials and their countries disagreeing with the corporate, capitalist, nationalist values of the USA becomes…
Hannover: First Impressions
It is no secret that the very first impression a person receives, whether they realise it or not, is the one which will influence them for a while to come. It could be a person, it could be a product or, in this case, a city. That first view settles how the mood is going to be for then rest of the day, and it is very hard to shift, to sway, to dispose of.