That Special Person
We all have that special someone, or that small group of people, in our lives. It's a shame we don't celebrate our relationships more often, let them know - as here at the CSD in Bremerhaven - that they are the one(s).
Bremerhaven: Waiting
There will always be someone who quotes that old chestnut "patience is a virtue" but who, like most of us, has no patience to wait when a delay effects them personally. I admit to being one of those without adequate patience when it comes to things that I cannot change, where the influence of a third party makes a difference to an arrival time,
It doesn't matter where you are, the signs are clear: friends out together. Two people, sharing time and experiences. It is said that women can hold far better friendships to one another than men can, but with the caveat that each has its own level, its own expectations, and often its own gender specifics.
What’s The Story?
Standing at a distance, but seeing them close-up, I always wonder: what's the fascination in this little box of technology? Why is it the one thing everyone seems to have, and to spend more time with than anything else?
The Finer Things In Life
The best of the summer sun, although we have had a few deluges of rain in the last week or two, and people are out about the town, enjoying their midday break with a sandwich, a coffee, or a full meal.