• Homeless alcoholic in Hildesheim.
    City Life,  Photography

    Can You See Us?

    Yesterday I commented on my own presence, and whether I, as a Street Photographer, was seen by those who I photographed, or whether I could blend in and simply disappear from view. Which led me to wonder how many other people there are on the streets who we do not see.

  • A white-haired man sitting on a plastic stool in front of two shopping bags holding a sign and a small paper cup, begging.
    City Life,  Photography,  Travel

    Hannover: First Impressions

    It is no secret that the very first impression a person receives, whether they realise it or not, is the one which will influence them for a while to come. It could be a person, it could be a product or, in this case, a city. That first view settles how the mood is going to be for then rest of the day, and it is very hard to shift, to sway, to dispose of.

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