• CSD Bremen: A small family, with one parent playing with a small child on the grass prior to the parade.
    Life,  Photography

    Bremen: Before the CSD Parade

    It looked very thin on the ground initially, but then I was there very early with my camera, even before most of the exhibition and information tents had been set up. A few people gathered, meeting up with friends, greeting those they hadn't seen in a while, queuing up for a cup of water or a beer, and it was relatively quiet.

  • CSD Lübeck: a young person dressed in a stunning black and scarlet dress - very Japanese anime - with silver jewelry, a silver eye-pad, and carefully made up without going over the top.
    Life,  Photography,  Travel

    Lübeck: 17 August 2024

    If there is one thing I have noticed about every single Christopher Street Day celebration / demonstration that I have attended over the years, it is the joy and pleasure of those taking part. Everywhere you turn there is a smiling face, there is music and people dancing.

  • Two people sitting in the sun after the CSD parade in Bremerhaven.
    Life,  Photography

    Bremerhaven: Waiting

    There will always be someone who quotes that old chestnut "patience is a virtue" but who, like most of us, has no patience to wait when a delay effects them personally. I admit to being one of those without adequate patience when it comes to things that I cannot change, where the influence of a third party makes a difference to an arrival time,

  • Deutsches Auswanderer Haus, Bremerhaven
    Life,  Photography,  Travel

    Bremerhaven: The Hidden

    The Christopher Street Day parade in Bremerhaven is only three years old, one of the newest to join a massive following of Pride celebrations in Germany, and proudly taking its place among all the others as the movement grows, as more people show their true colours and come out onto the streets.

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