• CSD Bremen: A small family, with one parent playing with a small child on the grass prior to the parade.
    Life,  Photography

    Bremen: Before the CSD Parade

    It looked very thin on the ground initially, but then I was there very early with my camera, even before most of the exhibition and information tents had been set up. A few people gathered, meeting up with friends, greeting those they hadn't seen in a while, queuing up for a cup of water or a beer, and it was relatively quiet.

  • A woman enjoying the sunshine in Bremen.
    Life,  Photography

    Out On Four Wheels

    It's not exactly the Freedom of the Road, and many people advancing in years, fight against them right up until the last moment, but even these four wheels bring a certain degree of self-confidence and more. I'm not sure, being relatively young and fit ...

  • A small family group of adult, young woman and child after what seems to be a serious comment from father to daughter, in Bremen.
    Life,  Photography


    There is an old saying about wanting to be A Fly On The Wall when you know something is going to happen in another room or elsewhere, or when you think someone is going to snap, be emotional, forward, and really want to experience it before the story gets corrupted by the retelling, or hidden.

  • A taxi driver in shorts, sitting with his feet hanging out of the back passenger door of his vehicle in Hildesheim.
    Life,  Photography,  Travel

    Travelling: Tickets I Have Known.

    I have been a traveller since the early Seventies, beginning in England, travelling and working in Wales and Scotland, exploring Northern Ireland and, later, Ireland. At a young age I made my first trip overseas to France where, mouth open in amazement, I discovered that the French, and other European foreigners, looked and acted much the same as we did on our small island. My first trust issues, especially of a specific teacher in my North Yorkshire school, began to surface.

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