
  • A fish stand called Fischhus in the Marktplatz, Bremen, with several people standing around looking up toward the sky where trapeze artists are performing.
    City Life,  Life,  Photography

    Bremen: High In The Sky

    Not all of the exciting things happen at ground level. Now and then there is a little spectacle up in he skies: a special sunset; a formation of clouds; a beautiful building reaching up into the sky; Superman flying past or, in this case, a set of trapeze artists walking the high wires between the tallest buildings around the Domplatz and Marktplatz in the centre of Bremen.

  • A man relaxes in the sun at a restaurant table on Domplatz, Bremen

    Bremen: Summer Relaxation

    A day of sunshine and warmth, and the crowds begin to gather on the streets, in the parks, wherever there is space to sit and relax. The beer gardens and restaurants with outside catering spread their tables and chairs across the pavement, into the market square

  • A street musician in Bremen preparing his amplifier under the arches in front of the Rathaus on Marktplatz.
    Life,  Photography

    Street Life – Bremen, June 2024

    It is mid-afternoon. The sun has travelled across much of the sky and is now illuminating the arches, the colonnade in front of the Town Hall in Bremen. Tourists cross the cobble-stoned space between the houses of politics, of business and commerce, swinging their arms up to point at the majesty of the Bremen Dom, dodging the red and white trams, snapping photographs on their mobile devices, or posing while others capture their image in front of the grimy facades.

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