A small family group of adult, young woman and child after what seems to be a serious comment from father to daughter, in Bremen.
Life,  Photography


There is an old saying about wanting to be A Fly On The Wall when you know something is going to happen in another room or elsewhere, or when you think someone is going to snap, be emotional, forward, and really want to experience it before the story gets corrupted by the retelling, or hidden. Looking back on older photographs, I sometimes wonder what was being said, how the conversation went, if at all. Was the (presumably) father in my header image from Bremen telling his daughter off for doing something bad? The expressions suggest it, but we will never know.

A couple eating breakfast outside the Café Prag in Schwerin.

Likewise this image above, over breakfast at the Café Prag in Schwerin, commentary or instructions on getting the last remnants of jam out of those awkward little plastic containers? A street photographer is never a part of what happens, they only record it and let everyone else add the storyline.

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