• A man wearing a Batman shirt sitting next to his possessions in Bremen

    Looking For a Hero

    It is going to take a long time for constitutional lawyers to work through the 6-3 Supreme Court judgement handed down yesterday, but one thing is sure: the decision of the six judges giving the President of the United States, regardless of who it may be, immunity from many actions otherwise illegal, will have far-reaching consequences. Those consequences do not remain within the borders of the United States, but have far wider implications: if the President cannot be prosecute for actions taken which might be loosely termed as National Security, the ramifications for other high officials and their countries disagreeing with the corporate, capitalist, nationalist values of the USA becomes…

  • Homeless alcoholic in Hildesheim.
    City Life,  Photography

    Can You See Us?

    Yesterday I commented on my own presence, and whether I, as a Street Photographer, was seen by those who I photographed, or whether I could blend in and simply disappear from view. Which led me to wonder how many other people there are on the streets who we do not see.

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