Another ordinary day in the centre of the city – and it could be any city you care to name. People sitting and watching, waiting for something to happen, or for the opportunity to make something happen. Will we hear music? Is there a concert planned for this afternoon, this evening? Or is someone just waiting for the right moment to unpack their instrument, check it is in tune, and entice the passersby in their direction with, hopefully, the sound of jingling coins in their collecting bowl. Perhaps there is too much competition here, the central market place has always been a magnet for those offering a small respite from the sounds of the city, in the hope of earning an extra crust to eat.

Or are we waiting for something else? People exercising their right to protest, their freedom of speech, perhaps. Maybe something worse, there are stations on all three accessible sides of the market place, officers sitting in their vehicles, or standing around chatting. No threat, just a presence.

We’re all waiting for the right moment in life. Will we be in the right place at the right time? Will we even realise that this moment is the moment and there can be no other?